Director Dominik Breuer
Dramaturgy Maria Isabel Hagen
with Eric Rentmeister, Morgane de Toeuf, Anika Pinter
Sounddesign Brice Deloose
Nominated for the Kurt Hackenberg Award for Political Theatre, Cologne
What makes someone leave management level to sell hot dogs, singing?
Recent trials show that an average worker, with the means of our present time, can achieve the same production capacity in only one day as a worker from the 19th century in 2 weeks. But still growth is advanced. Widely unknown a few decades back is the burnout syndrome, the new social disease.
People fall ill due to working to much, people fall ill from not having a job, people fall ill working two jobs, still nearly unable to provide for the family. There is discrepancy between performance and pay.
But is pay always synonymous with money? What makes someone leave management level to sell hot dogs, singing? Where does self-fulfilment begin and where self-exploitation? During investigation i.e. in England, Tanzania, and Germany, of course, the Brachland-Ensemble obtained remarkable results.