Premiere 2014
Director Dominik Breuer, Janosch Roloff
Dramaturgy und video Gunnar Seidel
with Josephine Gey, Amanda Sülltenfuss / Nina Müller-Oehring, Till Klein, Orestes Fiedler, Raziel Schulz-Stahl / Martin Sülltenfuss
Cooperation Nö-Theater Köln, Theaterakademie Köln, Orangerie Theater im Volksgarten, Westdeutsches Tourneetheater Remscheid
Funding Kulturamt Köln, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW
War. All of Europe is highly armed. As the sabres are rattling in a propagandistic battle of materials, the artillery gun “Big Berta” is made ready to fire, to achieve the place in the sun.
Armed conflict. Almost all of Europe is pacified. As the medial public relations try to rise circulation range and sales of potato chips, big Berta from 6th grade swings her fists to protect freedom at the raspberry bushes.
Two trenches, one slaughterhouse. Two ensembles, one piece of war. Cape versus pick helmet, Facebook versus newsreel. Small versus tall. Above versus below. And you right in the middle of it. Who is a friend? Who is the enemy? And while you wonder which side deserves to loose, propaganda's triumph began.